Leadership Retreat

As part of Cañada College's annual planning cycle, student, faculty, and classified staff leaders and administrators convene for a Leadership Retreat during the summer in anticipation of the following academic year.  Participants represent all of the major constituency groups that are part of the College's participatory governance framework.  One of the outcomes of the Retreat is the development of the College's annual strategic plan (Educational Master Plan priority projects) for the following academic year.  Invited participants each year include:

  • Academic, Classified and Student Senate Leadership
  • PBC, EAPC, IPC, and SSPC members for the coming year
  • Faculty with college-wide reassigned time responsibilities
  • College Council members

Leadership Retreat Agendas and Minutes

2024 (August 8) in Building 13

Nearly 60 students, faculty, and classified staff leaders and administrators participated in the 2024 Leadership Retreat. The group considered the progress the College has made on implementing its 5-year Educational Master Plan and chose strategic initiatives on which to focus on during the 2024-25 academic year.

2024 Leadership Retreat Slides  2024 Leadership Retreat Agenda  Cañada Collaborates

leadership retreat group photo 2024

2023 (August 10) in Building 6 Rooms 101/102

This year's Leadership Retreat welcomed more than 50 students, faculty, and classified staff leaders and administrators to campus for the first fully in-person Retreat since 2019.  Meeting notes forthcoming.

Retreat Agenda 2023 Retreat Discussion Notes 2023
Retreat Slides 2023 DRAFT Annual Plan for 2023-24


2023 Leadership Retreat participant photo

2022 (August 11) in Building 23 and via Zoom

Our 2022 Leadership Retreat welcomed over 40 campus leaders in person and more than a dozen who joined via Zoom.  A summary of the notes from the retreat breakout sessions will be posted here shortly and shared at the Planning & Budgeting Council at its first meeting in September.  

retreat photo 2022

Leadership Retreat Agenda August 11, 2022

Breakout Session Notes and Summaries:

  • Make registration easier and increase the % of students applying for financial aid (include  discussion of Basic Needs):full notes;summary
  • Create a student-first course schedule (and a campus culture that supports completion in 3 years):  full notes;summary
  • Create a hub for evening and  weekend students:  full notes; summary
  • Reach new community members  in N. Fair Oaks, Belle Haven, and East Palo Alto, especially BIPOC communities:  full notes; summary
  • Institutionalized Support for Teaching and Learning:  full notes; summary
  • Develop the College Cultural  Center (Multicultural Center): full notes; summary

During the 2022-23 academic year, the College will be working together on all of the EMP Strategic Initiatives as follows:

Cañada Collaborates


2021 (August 11 & 12 via Zoom):  Recovery with Equity

As the College continued to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and deepen its efforts to become and antiracist institution, retreat participants adopted the theme of "Recovery with Equity" and considered guidance and resources from a variety of sources as it developed the 2021-22 Annual Strategic Plan.  In May, 2022, the PBC reviewed the Annual Plan Progress Report for 2021-22.

Retreat Documents     

Recovery with Equity:  State & System Guidance Recovery with Equity:  College Guidance

2020 (August 12 & 13 via Zoom)

To address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the College's renewed focus on anti-racism and social and racial injustice in the wake of the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, Retreat participants developed an draft anti-racist framework for the College and refined strategic priorities for the coming academic year.  The agenda and slides used during the 2020 Retreat can be found here;  the draft notes are here; and the list of student, faculty, and classified staff leaders and administrators who RSVP'd for the Retreat can be found here. The College's 2020-21 Annual Strategic Plan and progress report. video still of Big Picture video

2019 (July 17 - 18)

2019 marked the first year the College held a Leadership Retreat.  Retreat participants considered a planning and budgeting overview before tackling and shaping the College's 2019-20 Annual Strategic Plan.

Retreat partic photo 2019 at FiloliPhoto:  A few of the College Leadership Retreat participants at Filoli, July 2019.