Allocation of Time-limited Financial Resources


On March 26, President Buckley presented information to the PBC regarding programs and services that have been funded by the Measure G parcel tax.  The college has been able to save approximately one-year's worth of Measure G funding to be used as a "carryover" for the 2014-15 year.  If all programs/services were to be continued at current funding levels, there would be a shortfall of approximately $500,000 by the end of that fiscal year and there would be no funding for subsequent years.  The President requests that PBC examine these programs/services along with others that are funded with "one-time monies" in order to develop a strategy toward creating a sustainable budgeting solution.



March 26, 2014

PBC tasks the following workgroups to identify criteria and process: Mission & Planning, Human Resources, Finance

April 9, 2014

Workgroups identified possible criteria and process

April 14, 2014

PBC reviews and adopts the process and criteria

April 28, 2014

Affected programs submit written reports to PBC Co-Chair by 5 p.m.

April 30, 2014

Program reports are discussed at special PBC meeting. PBC makes recommendation to the President.

May 7, 2014

President makes funding decisions in proposed budget

Sept. 3, 2014

President provides PBC with Measure G report

Sept. 8, 2014

President provides final Measure G report to entire campus



Measure G funded programs/services - Mar. 25, 2014

One-Time funded programs/services - Mar. 25, 2014

Foundation-funded programs/services - Mar. 25, 2014

Additional budget detail - April 29, 2014


Reports from affected programs/services

Instructional Sections

Distance Education

College for Working Adults

Faculty Development (Flex stipends)

Trustees Fund for Program Improvement


Learning Center

Workforce Development

Math Jam

Word Jam

Basic Skills/Writing Center

Honors Transfer Program


Veterans Support

100% FAFSA

BTO-Peer Mentorship Program

Degree Audit

Middle College High School


Babysitting for CBET