Decisions regarding new program development

Approved Dec. 5, 2012


Note: Academic Senate is currently updating this process. More information can be found at the Academic Senate Website


The process for developing new Fund 1 programs can be varied – it may be recommended by an individual within a department, a dean, a vice president or an outside mandate.  The following is a “general” guide for how the process will work for creating new programs:


Step 1. The Idea

The idea for a new Fund 1 program is identified and a proposal is developed. 

Step 2. Review by Dean/VP

The proposal for a new program is reviewed by the Dean, VPI or VPSS and feedback provided.

Step 3. Data and Financial Analysis

The Office of Planning. Research, and Institutional Effectiveness and the Business Office provides an analysis of the proposal presented.

Step 4. Review by Groups

The new program idea is reviewed by appropriate groups such as the Division, the Curriculum Committee, Academic Senate, and the relevant SSPC/IPC/APC.   

Step 5. Review by Cabinet

The College Cabinet will review and discuss the proposed program.

Step 6. Review by PBC

The Planning & Budgeting Council will review the request for a new program and advise the President.

Step 7. Decision by the President

The President will review and make a decision about funding the new program.