Carl D. Perkins & Strong Workforce Program Grants

About Carl D. Perkins Grant (Perkins V)

The Carl D. Perkins Grant is federal grant created to ensure Career Education (CE) programs meet the demands of the twenty-first-century economy. Perkins funding should be used to expand and enhance CE programs so every student can explore, choose, and follow these programs and career pathways to earn credentials of value if they so choose.

About the Strong Workforce Program (SWP)

The Strong Workforce Program (SWP) is an initiative aimed at strengthening and expanding career education and workforce training programs at California community colleges. The program is designed to address the workforce needs of California's regional economies by providing funding and support for CE programs.

Perkins V & SWP Metrics and Goals 

Perkins V and SWP resources provide the college a unique opportunity to create and enhance pathways and programs that lead to in-demand careers in our region. Applications submitted should advance the following metrics and goals:

  1. Prioritize enrollment of non-traditional and special populations. 
  2. Increase the number of students enrolling in and completing CE programs.
  3. Strengthen connections to internships and job opportunities for CE program graduates, aiming for living wage careers.
  4. Develop new programs that address regional employer needs.
  5. Align existing programs with current and emerging industry demands.
  6. Funding allocations should align with Cañada College's mission and goals as outlined in the Educational Master Plan.

Cañada College faculty, staff, and administration are invited to submit Perkins & SWP requests via the annual application to apply for Perkins & SWP resources. 

Click here to access the annual application 

Please note:

  • There is one application for both funding sources (we will determine what funding source your request best fits)
  • The application will open once every academic year between October & November
  • The Director of Workforce Development is available to meet for one-on-one meetings to assist with the annual application and any questions you may have
  • Please make sure only one full time faculty, staff member, or administrator from the program submits the application
  • For questions regarding program creation or rejuvenation, including updating curriculum, contact:


  • Applications must support a CE program
    • If you're a non-CE program, an application must be submitted by the CE program
  • Eligible programs must have completed their most recent program review to apply for resources
  • CE Programs must have held an advisory board meeting within the past academic year
  • Requests via the annual application should advance the metrics and goals above

Annual Application Award Process

  • All CE programs applying for funding will need their Deans approval 
  • All annual applications will be reviewed by a rotating review team each year
    • The review team will consist of the Tri-Chair Committee, one Business Office representative, 2 full time CE faculty, and one full time staff member
  • Annual applications will be evaluated using a Resource Request Scoring Sheet 
  • Approved applications by the Review Team will then go to Cabinet for final approval
  • Final approved annual application awardees will be notified in early March of their allocations for the following academic year 

Annual Application

  • Completed once a year to request funding for the following academic year
  • Available October-November
  • Focused on planning ahead for program needs
  • Approved & confirmed prior to the following academic year
  • Please make sure only one full time faculty, staff member, or administrator from the program submits the application

Just-in-Time Application

  • For urgent one-off requests throughout the current academic year
  • Approved once a month via Tri-Chair Committee 
  • Requests over $50,000 submitted via the Just-In-Time application will go to Cabinet for final approval
  • Please make sure only full time faculty, staff, or administrators submit this application
  • Reach out to Jasmine Jaciw, Director of Workforce Development for link to application
  •  July, funding awarded for academic year
  • September, quarter 1 check-in meetings commence 
  • October, annual application for funding opens for the following academic year
  • November, annual application for funding closes 
    • Quarter 2 check-in meetings commence
  • February, quarter 3 check-in meetings commence
  • March, awardees are informed of allocations for following academic year
  • April, all funding for the current academic year must be spent 
  • May, quarter 4 check-in meetings commence
  • June, funding expires 

*Please note quarterly meetings are only for programs receiving funding.

Cañada College established the Tri-Chair Committee to evaluate and approve Just-in-Time applications for Perkins & SWP funding.

2024 - 2025 Committee Membership

  • Dean of the Business, Design, and Workforce Division: Alex Kramer
  • Business Department Coordinator & CTE Liaison: Dr. Candice Nance
  • Director of Workforce Development: Jasmine Jaciw

The following are the Tri-Chair Committee meeting dates, agendas, minutes, and materials. Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month unless noted otherwise below. Meetings are held both in-person and over Zoom.

Meeting Date Agenda Minutes Materials
7/12/2023 Agenda Minutes  
9/13/2023 Agenda Minutes  
10/30/2023 Agenda Minutes  
11/8/2023 Agenda Minutes  
11/16/2023 Agenda Minutes  
11/21/2023 Agenda Minutes  
11/28/2023 Agenda Minutes  
12/5/2023 Agenda Minutes

Strong Workforce Roles and Duties

CTE Liaison Description and Announcement (Spring 2023)

12/12/2023 Agenda Minutes 


1/16/2024 Agenda Minutes 


1/23/2024 Agenda  Minutes 


1/30/2024 Agenda  Minutes  

Meeting canceled - no agenda items

2/13/2024 Agenda Minutes


*Monday, 4/22/2024, 9:30 - 10:30 am


Minutes - DRAFT


*Monday, 5/13/2024, 12 - 1 pm

Agenda - DRAFT




No meeting

(Finals week)



View agendas and minutes from previous years.