Program Schedule

Project Change First-Year College Experience.

Preparation for College

Project Change orientation and presentation: program information, expectations, and next steps.


The following needs to be completed:

  • Complete assessment (if needed)
  • Attend college orientation
  • Meet with a Project Change counselor


Work with Project Change staff to register for classes for the first semester.

Financial Aid

Attend a Financial Aid workshop, or work with Project Change staff, and/or mentor, to apply.

Project Change Summer Program

Attend the weekly meetings for summer session.

Fall College Start

Begin the semester with pre-selected courses according to your Student Education Plan (SEP).

Project Change Meetings

Attend the monthly meetings for fall semester.


Requirement to meet with Project Change counselor twice a semester.


Plan to meet/be in contact with mentor on a weekly basis.

Spring College Start

Begin the semester with pre-selected courses according to your Student Education Plan (SEP).

Project Change Meetings

Attend the monthly meetings for spring semester.


Requirement to meet with Project Change counselor twice a semester.


Plan to meet/be in contact with mentor on a weekly basis.