Data Dashboards for 2019-2020 Program Review

The Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) maintains a series of data dashboards in Power BI which are available to the public.  These include college-wide data that can be filtered across a variety of variables.  The dashboards are:

Student Characteristics Productivity & Effectiveness Equity & Disproportionate Impact

Student Characteristics

  • Student demographics (race/ethnicity, gender, age)
  • Enrollment (total enrollments as well as total number of individual students)
  • Student Enrollment Status
  • Student Educational Goals

Each of these can be filtered by academic division, department, course and viewed by academic term.  

Productivity and Effectiveness

This dashboard considers the number of contact hours per student per full time faculty equivalent per course.  This is referred to as the course's productivity or "load."  

Additionally, this dashboard considers the student outcomes of each course at the College.  When a student receives a grade of "C" or better, or a passing grade, it is counted as a "success."  If the student does not withdraw from the class before the term is over, the student is "retained" in the class. The data can be viewed by:

  • Department or course
  • Student demographic (race/ethnicity, gender, age)
  • Student enrollment status (full time, part time)
  • Instructional modality (face to face, 100% online, hybrid)
  • Time of day of the class
  • Whether the course credit is transferable to a four-year institution

There are two tabs in this dashboard.  Feel free to toggle between them to see the data for course level productivity and success rates or equity information for courses.

Equity and Disproportionate Impact

This dashboard examines the headcount demographics of a program compared to the overall demographics of the College as whole. Additionally, course success rates are disaggregated by demographics and compared to the success rates of the College overall. 

  • Headcount and Success by:
    • Gender
    • Ethnicity
    • Ethnicity and Gender
    • First Generation
    • Veteran Status
    • Age Group
    • Disability
    • Low Income
    • Foster Youth

The dashboard can be filtered to either the division or the department level. 


For more information please contact the PRIE Office at (650) 306-3145 or email Dean Engel at [email protected].


 Data Coach Dashboard Draft