How to Refer a Student to the DRC


Do you have a student you think might benefit from DRC services? Not sure how to refer him, her, or them?

The best time to bring up your concerns would be in a private meeting, when other students are not present. Following are some suggestions on how you might express your concerns; please keep in mind that students benefit most from honest yet kind feedback about their performance in class, whether they have a disability or not.

  • Do not ask the student directly if they have a disability, this might put him/her on the defensive and cause some discomfort.



  • When you mention the DRC, you can say something like: The DRC offers Learning Disability testing for students who have a history of struggling with things like reading, writing, math, etc.  They might be a good place to start."


  • Some students feel their disability isn't "severe enough" to warrant utilizing the DRC services and feel guilty because they don't want to take away from "more deserving" students. You may assure your student that DRC serves all types of disabilities and that requesting services through DRC in no way affects the level of services someone else with different needs shall receive.


  • Ultimately it is up to the student to decide whether or not to disclose a disability and pursue DRC services. However, do feel free to let students know that you are willing to work with them and DRC to ensure that they have equal access to your curriculum.


Once you have broached the subject and your student wishes to pursue DRC services, what can you do to facilitate the process?

You can give them our email address ([email protected]) or you may introduce the student via email with one of our staff members - Whatever you feel would make the student feel more comfortable.  We look forward to meeting your student!